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Guidelines for Chess Competition
General Rules:
- Conduct of the Players: All the players must observe a code of conduct that is common for all the players. Players are not allowed to take any action that will bring the game to disgrace i.e., cheating, sneaking the captured piece back. During competition, use of mobile phones and other electronic means of communication is completely forbidden. If it is evident that a player brought such a device into the playing venue, he shall lose the game.
- Touch and Move: Touch and move rules have to be strictly followed. If a player touches one of their own pieces, then he must move that piece, if it is a legal move. A player who wishes to touch a piece only to adjust it on the board must first announce the intention, usually by saying “adjust”.
- No interference: When the game is in progress, no third party is allowed to interfere in the game. A player is also not allowed to ask for any help from the audience or any other person.
- Distractions: Any distractive behaviour like making noises, talking, moving chairs or tables are forbidden.
In addition, all players must be able to do the following:
- Properly move all of the chess pieces
- Understand pawn promotion.
- Understand rules for “advanced” moves: Castling and passant capture. Note: please ask the organizer in case of any confusion about passant rule)
- Understand Check and the ways to get out of check (move, block, capture)
- Understand Checkmate
- Understand 50 moves draw rule i.e., the game can be claimed drawn after 50 moves if there are no pawn moves or no captures
- In case of any confusion/disputes talk to the organizers.
Event In-Charge:
- Jit Hazarika (Asst. Professor, Department of Sociology)
- Phone: +91 98593 92461
- Email: