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Guidelines for Table Tennis
General Rules:
- A game is 11 points. A two point win is required.
- Each side of the table serves two point alternates, except after deuce service alternates.
- The first server of one game becomes the first receiver of the next game.
- From that point on, all returns must pass directly over or around the net assembly and land on the opponent’s top surface. A return touching the net or its supports is still in play. Returns striking anything other than the net or the opponent’s playing surface are out of play.
- If a player obstructs the ball by touching it before it has a chance to land on the player’s side of the table, the point is lost, except if the ball is obstructed while returning a serve, in which case, the rally is a let and is re-played.
- Returns rebounding directly off the racket hand or any part of the racket are still in play. Returns struck by both hand and racket, or hand with no racket, or racket not in a hand are lost points.
- A player touching the table with their free hand during a point loses the point. A player touching the net or moving the table (even accidentally) during a point also loses the point.
- A player cannot strike the ball twice successively (a “double hit”).
- Call a “let” and play the point over, if there is a disturbance during play (someone walks into the court, a stray ball rolls into the court, etc.)
Registration Fee:
- Single - ₹500
- Double - ₹1000
Event In-Charges:
- Watitemjen Kichu (Asst. Professor, Skill Development)
- Phone: +91 90898 05562
- Email: