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Volleyball (Women)

Guidelines for Volleyball


General Rules:

  1. Only 6 players are allowed on the floor at any given time: 3 in the front row and 3 in the back row. Apart from these, 6 substitute players will be allowed which means a team can consist of 12 players each including substitutes.
  2. Points are made on every serve for the winning team of the rally (rally-point scoring).
  3. Players may not hit the ball twice in succession (a block is not considered a hit).
  4. Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
  5. A ball hitting a boundary line is in.
  6. A ball is out if it hits an antennae, the floor completely outside the court, any of the net or cables outside the antennae, the referee stand or pole, or the ceiling above a non-playable area.
  7. It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player’s body.
  8. It is illegal to catch, hold or throw the ball.
  9. A player cannot block or attack a serve from on or inside the 10-foot line.
  10. After the serve, front-line players may switch positions at the net.
  11. Matches are made up of sets; the number depends on level of play.
  12. The tournament follows FIVB (International Volleyball Federation) rules unless specified otherwise.
  13. Teams must arrive 30 minutes before their scheduled match.
  14. A team must have a minimum of 4 players on the court to avoid a forfeit.
  15. Matches will be played on a knockout or league basis, depending on the number of teams.


Match Format:

  1. Matches are played in a best-of-3 or best-of-5 sets format, as per tournament rules.
  2. Each set is played to 25 points (except the final set, which is to 15 points) with a 2-point lead required.
  3. Rally scoring system applies (every rally results in a point).
  4. Timeouts: Each team gets 2 timeouts per set, lasting 30 seconds each.


Player Conduct & Uniform:

  1. Players must wear matching jerseys with numbers and proper athletic shoes.
  2. No jewelry or accessories allowed during play.
  3. Unsportsmanlike conduct (arguing with referees, offensive language, aggressive behavior) may lead to warnings, point penalties, or disqualification.


Substitutions & Rotations:

  1. Substitutions must follow standard rotation rules.
  2. A team is allowed 6 substitutions per set.
  3. Players must rotate in the correct order.


Officiating & Protests:

  1. Each match is officiated by a head referee, an assistant referee, and line judges.
  2. Protests against decisions must be lodged immediately after the incident and in writing within 15 minutes of the match ending.
  3. The tournament committee's decision is final.


Tie-Breakers & Walkovers:

In case of equal points in league stage, ranking is determined by:

  1. Set difference
  2. Point difference
  3. Head-to-head result
  4. A team failing to report on time will forfeit the match (walkover)


Safety & Fair Play:

  1. Medical assistance will be available courtside.
  2. Any serious injury stops play until assessed by medical personnel.
  3. Fair play and respect for referees, opponents, and teammates are mandatory.


Volleyball Rule Violations:

Committing any of these volleyball rule violations results in a point for the opponent:

  1. Stepping on or across the service line when serving while making contact with the ball.
  2. Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.
  3. Ball-handling errors and contacting the ball illegally (double touching, lifting, carrying, throwing, etc.)
  4. Touching the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play.
  5. Blocking a ball coming from the opponent’s court and contacting the ball when reaching over the net if your opponent has not used 3 contacts AND has a player there to make a play on the ball.
  6. Attacking a ball coming from the opponent’s court and contacting the ball when reaching over the net when the ball has not yet broken the vertical plane of the net.
  7. Crossing the court centerline with any part of your body, with the exception of a hand or foot. It is only considered a violation if the entire hand or entire foot crosses the court centerline.
  8. Serving out of rotation or out of order.
  9. Back row player blocking (deflecting a ball coming from the opponent) when, at the moment of contact, the back row player is near the net and has part of their body above the top of the net. This is an illegal block.
  10. Back row player attacking a ball inside the front zone (the area inside the 3M/10-foot line) when, at the moment of contact, the ball is completely above the net. This is an illegal attack.


Registration Fee : Rs 1000/-


Event In-charges:

  1. Mr. Puho (Asst. Professor, Department of History)
  2. Email:
  3. Phone: +91 90896 67127
  4. Dr. Gurumayum Richie Sharma (Asst. Professor, Department of Social Work)
  5. Email:
  6. Phone: +91 92335 77710
  7. Miss Visedenuo Thakro (Asst. Professor, Department of Education)
  8. Email:
  9. Phone: +91 96128 26604


Sport Type