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Excel Functions Competition

Guidelines for Excel Functions Competition


Team Composition:

  1. Each college/school may send a maximum of 2 participants.
  2. Participants must be currently enrolled students of the participating college/school.


Competition Format:

  1. The competition will consist of 2 rounds/stages.
  2. The specific tasks/problems for each round will be revealed at the start of the respective round.
  3. The tasks will focus on testing participants' skills in various Excel functionalities, including but not limited to: 
    1. Data entry and validation
    2. Formula and function usage (e.g., SUM, AVERAGE, VLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCH, IF, COUNTIF, etc.)
    3. Data manipulation and analysis (e.g., sorting, filtering, pivot tables)
    4. Charting and visualization
    5. Formatting and presentation
    6. Problem-solving using Excel
    7. Macro creation (if applicable)
  4. The time limit for each round will be 15 minutes maximum.
  5. Participants are allowed to use any built-in Excel functions and features. External add-ins or macros (unless specifically allowed) are prohibited.
  6. Internet access will be Restricted. Communication with anyone outside the team during the competition is strictly prohibited.


Judging Criteria:

  1. Accuracy: Correctness of the results and calculations.
  2. Functionality: Effective use of Excel features and functions to achieve the desired outcome.
  3. Efficiency: Optimized use of formulas and techniques to minimize complexity and file size.
  4. Clarity and Readability: Well-organized layout, clear labels, and appropriate formatting to make the sheet easy to understand.
  5. Presentation: Effective use of charts, graphs, and formatting to present the data in a visually appealing and informative manner.
  6. Problem-Solving Approach: Demonstrated ability to analyse the problem and develop a logical and effective solution using Excel.
  7. Adherence to Guidelines: Compliance with all the rules and regulations of the competition.



  1. Prizes will be awarded to the top.


Code of Conduct:

  1. All participants are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism and ethical conduct throughout the competition.
  2. Any form of cheating, plagiarism, or collusion will result in immediate disqualification.
  3. Participants must respect the judges' decisions, which are final and binding.



  1. Violation of any of the competition rules and guidelines.
  2. Plagiarism or cheating.
  3. Misconduct or unsportsmanlike behaviour.
  4. Failure to submit the required files by the deadline.


Organizers' Rights:

  1. The organizers reserve the right to modify the rules and regulations of the competition at any time without prior notice.
  2. The organizers' decisions regarding any disputes or issues related to the competition are final and binding.


Event In-charge:

  1. Renponthung L Rangthung (Asst. Professor, Skill Development)
  2. Phone: +91 89878 89895
  3. Email:


Sport Type
Technology & Innovation